Sunday, July 27, 2008

Site Review: Dear God

Different convictions. Different beliefs. Different faiths. Doesn't matter what version of your God is. Doesn't matter whether it's 'Jesus, Allah, Buddha, or simply a spiritual universal energy'. Why not share your prayer here and create hope one prayer at a time?

Dear God is a website that is totally independent, non-denominational, neither a religious nor a new-age organization that has no affiliation or relationship to any religious church or spiritual organization. It's simply a global project for people around the world to share their innermost hopes - and fears - through prayer.

Been hangin' around this site lately, and I love all the things I get from the commentaries and entries of other people from different parts of the world sharing their perspective and hopes to a certain issue. You'll be surprised at how you can relate on some issues and how diverse, either enlightening or annoying, some commentaries are. Overall, it's not only informative but it's also a great way of sharing your personal beliefs but definitely not to the point of trying to shove it on someone's face.

Try dropping around sometime. You'll love it.

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