Friday, November 30, 2007

Taking Time to Listen

"Behold, I [Jesus] stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me." --- Revelation 3:20 (NKJV).

In response to a Daily Encounter about the famed violinist, Fritz Kreisler, Martha Nixon, a good friend, who some years ago was the well-known soloist with the famed Neil Macaulay musical team, wrote to tell me about a fascinating experience Neil had some years ago.

On one occasion when Neil was in New York, "he paid a 'small fortune' to buy two tickets to hear the world famous violinist Fritz Kreisler play at New York's Carnegie Hall. Macaulay was himself a concert musician who had been heard around the world and highly valued the greater skill of the famous Fritz Kreisler. The performance was brilliant and worth the money spent on the tickets. Mid-concert, however, Kreisler made an amazing comment. 'The reason I'm a bit weary tonight,' he said, 'is because I played on the streets of New York all day today dressed as a busker (street musician) with my violin case opened for donations. It does me good to play for the people. But not one person stopped to listen, or gave me a cent!'"

Interesting that this famous musician was totally ignored amidst the rush and bustle of New York City life. People passing by didn't take the time to stop and listen. Instead, they turned a deaf ear to him. And yet, at night, people paid a high price to hear him. How sad.

But how much sadder when God "speaks" to us in innumerable ways and we turn a deaf ear to him because he doesn't appear to us in the way or manner which we expect. Even the religious people in Jesus' day who were actually looking for and expecting the Promised Messiah (Savior) totally missed him because he didn't appear in the way or manner that they expected.

So dear reader, whatever you do, don't turn a deaf ear to God who, in his still small voice may be whispering to you while he is knocking on the door of your heart and life today.

Above was an e-mail sent to me by Kitty. I'm not really certain if she made it herself or if it's just a forwarded message. I'm just happy that she can still find time to share all those e-mail with me. I guess she has her own way of telling others about Christ.

Thanks again!!! I do appreciate it a lot!!! ;D


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi there,

    I could be the age of your Mom or maybe I could even be older than her:-)

    I know someone who's a Gemini, I read The Purpose Driven Life while recuperating from an illness in 2003, I love Josh Groban, a son is an anime freak (I think you are too), and my youngest son is 7 years your senior.

    BTW, you have an intelligently written blog, rare for your age :-)

    Thanks for dropping by my blog. Drop again anytime and I shall make it a point to visit yours too.


  3. thanks for sharing mangel and thanks for reminding us to listen closely to God's many ways of communicating to us, it feels good to be heard and feels better if someone cares for us to lend our ears to the wonderful sounds around us...^^


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